Simplify - Data Analytics and Machine Learning Made Simple

Thursday, June 11th 2020 @ 10:00AM CEST

Simplify - Data Analytics and Machine Learning Made Simple

The main goal of the session is to showcase approaches that greatly simplify the work of a data analyst when performing data analytics, or when employing machine learning algorithms, over Big Data. The session will include presentations on:

  • How data analytics workflows can be easily and graphically composed, and then optimized for execution
  • How raw data with great variety can be easily queried using SQL interfaces, and
  • How complex machine learning operations can be performed efficiently in distributed settings.

After these presentations, the speakers will participate in a discussion with the audience, in order to discuss further tools that could make the work of a data analyst more simple.

Talks & Demos:

1) INFORE: Graphical Data Analytic Workflows and Cross-Platform Optimization (17 min)

2) SmartDataLake : Data Virtualization (17 min)

3) ExtremeEarth: Hopsworks, a data-intensive AI platform for Deep Learning with Earth Observation data (17 min)

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