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Written by
Theofilos Kakantousis
VP of Product
Jim Dowling
November 17, 2020

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Edited: First published 

Hopsworks 2.0: The Next Generation Platform for Data-Intensive AI with a Feature Store

TLDR; Hopsworks 2.0 is now generally available. Hopsworks is the world's first Enterprise Feature Store along with an advanced end-to-end ML platform. This version includes improvements to the User Interface, client APIs and improved integration with Kubernetes. Hopsworks 2.0 also comes with upgrades for popular ML frameworks such as TensorFlow 2.3 and PyTorch 1.6. 

The Hopsworks 2.0 platform:

In addition to bug and documentation fixes, Hopsworks 2.0 includes the following new features and improvements:

  • Feature Store: New Rich APIs and Extended Integration with External Data Sources
  • Provenance: Track and Navigate from Models to Training Datasets to Features
  • Python Programs as Schedulable Feature Engineering Jobs
  • Fine-grained User Access Control for Feature Stores
  • GitLab Support 
  • New example programs for feature engineering and usage for training and serving

Detailed release notes are available at the Hopsworks GitHub repository.

Feature Store: New Rich APIs and Extended Integration with External Data Sources

The Feature Store API is now more intuitive by following a Pandas-like style programming style for feature engineering and works with abstractions such as feature groups and training datasets. Allowing for an improved workflow. Solving the biggest pain points of professional users working with Big Data and AI: being able to organize and discover data with as few steps as possible. An all new API documentation page is accessible here

This release brings the new ability to enrich Feature Groups abstractions by attaching metadata in the form of tags and then allowing free-text search on these, available across the feature store to all users.

More details on the upgraded feature store experience are outlined in the Hopsworks Feature Store API 2.0 blog post and the user guide.

Provenance: Track and Navigate from Models to Training Datasets to Features

Hopsworks is built from the ground-up with support for implicit provenance. What that means is data engineers and data scientists that develop machine learning pipelines, from data ingestion, to feature engineering, to model training and serving, get lineage information for free as the data flows and is transformed through the pipeline. Users can then navigate from a model served in production back to the ML experiment that created the model along with its training dataset and finally all the way back to the feature groups and ingestion pipelines the training dataset was created from.  

Python Programs as Schedulable Feature Engineering Jobs

Up till this moment in Hopsworks’ journey, its Jobs service provided users with the means to run and monitor applications and do feature engineering using popular distributed processing frameworks such as Apache Spark/PySpark and Apache Flink. Hopsworks now further increases its reach to Feature Store users by  enabling them to run such feature engineering jobs by using pure Python programs, detangling them for example from the need to run their code within a PySpark context/cluster. Developers can now do feature engineering with Pandas or their library of choice and still benefit from Jobs capabilities such as include them in Airflow data and ML pipelines as well as run Python Jupyter notebooks as jobs, simplifying the process of including notebooks in development and production pipelines. User guide is available here.

Fine-Grained User Access Control for Feature Stores

Sharing datasets across projects of a Hopsworks instance is now made simpler by using a fine-grained access control mechanism. Users can now select from a list of options that enable a dataset to be shared with different permissions for each project and for each role users have in the target project (Data Owner, Data Scientist). In addition, these new dataset sharing semantics now make it easier to share feature stores with different permissions across projects. For more details please check the user guide here.

GitLab Support

Hopsworks developers can now use GitLab for code version control, in addition to the existing GitHub support. JupyterLab in Hopsworks comes shipped with the Git plugin so developers can work with Git directly from within the JupyterLab IDE. Further details are available in the user-guide here

Python Environment Updates and Examples

Hopsworks 2.0 is shipped with the latest and the greatest frameworks of the data engineering and data science Python world. Every Hopsworks instance now comes pre-installed with Pandas version 1.1.2, TensorFlow 2.3.1, PyTorch 1.6.0 and many more. 

A plethora of new feature engineering and machine learning examples are now available at our examples GitHub repository. Data engineers can now follow examples that demonstrate how to work from the Feature Store with Redshift  or Snowflake. Also new end-to-end and parallel experiments with deep learning and TensorFlow 2.3 are available.

Get Started

Much more is to come from Hopsworks with the upcoming releases so make sure to follow us on Twitter and, if you like it, star us on GitHub.

Visit to get started with a free instance of Hopsworks and explore the new Hopsworks Feature Store and data science support of the Hopsworks 2.0 series and don’t forget to join our growing community!